6 Things to Introduce to Your Daily Activities as a Remote Worker

6 Things to Introduce to Your Daily Activities as a Remote Worker
The effect of the recent pandemic was a huge blow for most organizations. Other organizations that enjoyed a good dose of it were those that were active in the digital space before or those that quickly swept into remote work to avoid being laid off. 

For those who have integrated this new reality into their daily life, the transition comes with different glances, and for those who are lowlily dogged to change, it becomes a hurdle to accept this new light. 

As we proceed, you must bear in mind that this article has been put together by The Watchtower, a web design agency in Dubai and a leading name in the business of web design and development in Dubai. 

In this post, I will be sharing with you interesting things to inculcate into this new work-from-home culture to ensure you are optimum in-service delivery, as the case may be. 

Working from home may be new to most people, especially those who do not enjoy staying indoors or all by themselves. Here are some things I found useful in the process of surviving the pandemic/lockdown. 

6 things to introduce to your daily activities as a remote worker. 

1. Start your day with water. 
Most people start their day with the sight of their phone. They could either struggle to find it with one hand, while both eyes are shut, and then turn it off or snooze the alarm. 

The others just wake up and spend the early hours of the morning on their phones. While I'm not here to say you shouldn’t use your phone, it would be healthy if you included the choice of water in the process as well. 

Drinking water first thing in the morning helps to regulate the lymphatic system by flushing the stomach. We won't get sick as frequently if we have a healthy lymphatic system, which will contribute to the development of a robust immune system. 

2. Plan your day. 
It is said that prior planning prevents poor performance. So, you can start your day by drawing out a plan. All your to-do lists should be penned down and not just in your head. It will help you become organized, and with this, you can track your results and manage your time. 

You can set aside family time, work time, leisure time, and nap time with the use of a daily planner. It helps to make one effective. 

3. Create a workout routine. 
Because fitness is all about locomotion, it is advised that doing remote work shouldn’t be an excuse to be sedentary. You can create a routine that enables you to flex your muscles and joints.
While some consider yoga to help relax the mind and flex the muscles, others would rather hit the gym or jump on a treadmill from the comfort of their home. Whatever your choice is, working out helps stabilize your heartbeat and keeps your brain pumped with the required supply of oxygen. 

4. Ensure you get a good seat. 
Whatever your job description is, make sure you get a good seat to help guarantee your comfort. Since you seat down to consider your remote work, ensure that your seat and your back enjoy good comfort. Posture is usually shaped by bits of our daily activities. 

5. Eat healthy with a meal plan. 
One of the easy things to disregard in the journey of remote working is that you eat everything. People suddenly tend to disregard a balanced diet and then feast on junk. People also tend to do more in-between meals, and while some of these are considered good for a sugar rush, it is best to advise if you are considerate about what you consume to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

6. Don’t starve the sleep. 
Sleep helps relax the mind and the brain and, more importantly, repairs the worn-out tissues when we are less active. While medical practitioners have advised that a daily 8-hour sleep is the recommended sleep to stabilize us, others have mentioned the need to keep life balanced and pursue personal goals and dreams with some of the hours instead of investing them in sleep alone. 

In conclusion, remote work is an interesting experience compared to the traditional art of work, which comes with its possible risks and expenses. Kindly factor these 6 pointers into your routine to help have a healthy remote work pattern.
The Watchtower, a web design agency in Dubai, is a leading name in the business of web design and development in Dubai.

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