Hiring Remote Developers during the Pandemic A Complete Guide

Hiring Remote Developers during the Pandemic A Complete Guide

The COVID-19 pandemic has left the world in distress. From losing loved ones to failing businesses, we have seen all in the past two years. Everyone has suffered from the impact of COVID-19 either directly or indirectly. Not only this, several industries have seen large-scale enterprises shutting down permanently. It is because due to nationwide lockdown and strict social distancing, they fell short of employees. 

With almost every industry getting affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, the IT industry is no exception. Given the rising number of COVID-19 patients and deaths, IT was also forced to close their physical offices and work remotely. It is the second year of COVID-19, and most industries continue to work from home, including the IT industry, to adhere to the social distancing norms. 

If you are planning to create a dynamic web application for your business using JavaScript, hiring a remote JavaScript developer in current times is the ideal solution. Also, it is the right decision to choose JavaScript for your upcoming project because it is a universal programming language. It means you will find an experienced developer with ease. 

The success of your start-up will depend on your team of remote JavaScript developers or a JavaScript development company.  Therefore, you should make a mindful decision when hiring a JavaScript developer working remotely. In this post, we have explained what involves in the remote hiring of a JavaScript developer. 

But before we delve into the process of how to hire a JavaScript programmer, you need to get familiar with the available options. Let us get started. 

Type of JavaScript developer teams

If you do not want to hire a full JavaScript development company, you have options like on-site developers and virtual developers. The latter option is further categorized into distributed developers and remote developers. To ensure you make the right decision, you need to understand the differences between each. 

○ On-site developers -
On-site developers, also known as co-located developers, are the ones that work along with your office space. Considering the social distancing norms, this is not a reliable option for you. Also, it will cost you more money. 

○ Distributed team of developers -
While these developers do not work in your office, they work in various locations, such as cafes. It means the team members do not have face-to-face communication. Sometimes, each member works from a different city or country. 

○ Remote developers -
Although the term remote developers and distributed developers are used interchangeably, they are not the same. Unlike distributed developers, remote developers have an office. 

But as mentioned already, all IT companies now operate from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, whether you hire a JavaScript development company or a developer, you have to follow remote hiring. 

● A step-by-step guide to hiring remote JavaScript developer 
With countless JavaScript developers in the market, it is not easy to make a choice. Therefore, we have listed things you must consider when making your choice. 

○ Be precise with your needs and requirements -
When it comes to hiring a remote developer, it is not the same as hiring a project manager, UX/UI designer, marketing professional, or HR manager. For example, to recruit an HR or sales employee, you can get an idea about their experience and expertise through their communication skills. 

To ensure you partner with the best JavaScript programmer, your preferred candidate must undergo a rigorous test and interview. It will help you get a clear idea of his/her skills, knowledge, and experience in the field. Therefore, it is essential to be precise with your requirements and expectations about the vacancies. 

○ Shortlist your options -
Please remember, this is the trickiest step because it requires a lot of effort and time to find the right developer. You may leverage social networks to make the hiring process convenient. For example, you can ask for references from friends and relatives. You may also check out platforms like Trello, Upwork, and Basecamp and shortlist the best candidates. 

○ Learn about the candidate’s skills and knowledge -
It is a crucial step, as it will help you decide. Carefully check the portfolio of each shortlisted candidate to find out the previous projects they worked on and know their abilities. Since you are looking for a JavaScript programmer, make sure they have successful JavaScript web development projects in the past. 

Usually, candidates mention experience in several programming languages and technologies, but they have never worked on many. For this reason, it is advisable to ask for references from candidates about their previously completed projects. 

○ Ask relevant questions -
Once you have shortlisted your most preferred candidates, the next step is interviewing them to choose the best one. You can either go for a telephonic or video interview round. Apart from inquiring about their experience and soft skills, ask questions to test their technical knowledge and ability. If you do not know this field, you may take the help of the internet to ask relevant questions. 

However, always begin with the basic questions and advances as you proceed with the interview. In the final round, you may give your potential JavaScript developers a test to evaluate the quality of the code and skills. 

○ Sorting -
With the interview round, you can screen out most candidates except the quality ones. For example, if you hire a JavaScript programmer with skills working with particular languages but no basic knowledge, it can impact your web app performance. Also, your application code quality and security may be at risk. For this reason, it is crucial to hire a candidate with a basic and advanced understanding of every aspect of web app development. 

By following these steps, you can hire a reliable team of remote JavaScript developers. But your responsibility is not over yet because you will not get the desired results with the best work-from-home developers. Also, you must manage your team to ensure smooth work. Below are the ways to manage your remote developer efficiently. 

● Schedule regular meetings -
If you are working with remote JavaScript developers, it is crucial to have regular meetings. It will keep your workflow organized while preventing any delays and time gaps. 

● Pick the tools for your remote developers -
To ensure your developers perform efficiently, get the necessary tools handy. It includes email service, instant messaging tool, video calling platform, project management tool, etc. 

● Define your project in detail -
Before you begin the project, it is necessary to discuss with remote developers your work process in detail. 

● Give feedback -
If you offer constant feedback to your JavaScript developers, it ensures optimal transparency and saves you from misinterpretations. 

● Show appreciation -
Since a remote team of JavaScript developers works for you, they will always look for approval and appreciation from you. So, make sure you reward your developers after the completion of each step. 

The bottom line 
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way our businesses operate. If you want your enterprise to survive during this gloomy time, leverage the technology and make a mindful decision. If you want to create a JavaScript web application for your business, do not wait till we eradicate Corona Virus. Instead, hire a JavaScript developer and start the development as early as possible. 

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