How to Cite a Website

How to Cite a Website
You might be wondering what citing a website means, In APA website citations, the author, publication date, title of the page or article, website name, and URL are frequently given. If there is no author, start the citation with the title of the article. If the page is likely to vary over time, include a retrieval date. 

If you're referring to an online edition of a print product (such as a newspaper, magazine, or dictionary), use the same format as you would for print, but include a URL at the end. Different formats exist for online videos (e.g., TED Talks), images, and dissertations. The author, the publication date, the title of the page or article, the website name, and the URL are often included in APA website citations. If you Don’t know the author, begin the citation with the article's title. Add a retrieval date if the page is expected to change over time. 

If you're referencing an online edition of a print publication (for example, a newspaper, magazine, or dictionary), use the same structure as you would for print, but include a URL at the end. Online movies (e.g., TED Talks), pictures, and dissertations all have different formats.

Using a full website as a source 
A formal citation is not required when referring to a website in your writing without quoting or paraphrasing from a specific section of it. Instead, just add the URL in parenthesis following the site's name: 
As an example: 
Instagram (, one of the most popular social networking platforms, allows users to publish photos and videos. 
You do not need to put the website on the reference page for this type of citation. If you're referencing a specific page or article from a website, you'll need a formal in-text citation as well as a reference list item.

What is the proper way to reference an internet article? 
There are many different types of articles available online, and how you credit them depends on where the item appears. 
Newspaper, magazine, and blog articles are available online. 
Articles appearing in online editions of print media (such as newspapers and magazines) are cited in the same way as their print counterparts, but with an additional URL. 
Initials, last name (Year, Month, and Day) The title of the article. Name of the publication. URL
The entry for reference:
S. Greenhouse (2020, July 30). The pandemic coronavirus has exacerbated systemic economic prejudice against black Americans. The New Yorker magazine. 
Citation inside the text (Greenhouse, 2020) 

Blog postings follow the same pattern. Simply enter the blog's name where you would normally put the magazine or newspaper's name. 
Initials, last name (Year, Month, and Day) The title of the article. Name of the blog. Entry for URL Reference 
C. Lee (2020, February 19). A story about two types of reference formats. Blog about APA Style. 
Citation inside the text (Lee, 2020)

Articles from online-only news publications 
Italicize the name of the article rather than the name of the site for stories from news sites that do not have print counterparts (e.g., BBC News, Reuters). 
Initials, last name (Year, Month, and Day) The title of the article. Name of the website. URL 
The entry for reference 
J. Rowlatt (2020, October 19). Could cold water hold the key to finding a dementia cure? The BBC's news service. 
Citation inside the text (Rowlatt, 2020)

Websites that have no author 
When there is no specific author listed on a web page, it is generally assigned to an organization or government. If the author name is identical to the site name, omit the site name, as seen in the example below. 
Name of the organization. (Year, Month, and Day) Title of the page Name of the website. Entry for URL Reference 
Scribbr is an abbreviation for Scribble (n.d.). Service for academic proofreading and editing. In-text citation 
n.d. (Scribbr) 
If you are unable to identify any author, use the title of the page or article for the author's name.

Websites that are not up to date 
When a web page or article does not provide a publication or modification date, replace the date in all citations with “n.d.” (“no date”). 
It is advised to indicate the date on which you visited an online source if it is likely to change over time. 
Initials, last name (n.d.). The Title of the Page Name of the website. Month, Day, and Year were retrieved from the URL. 
The University of Amsterdam serves as a point of reference. (n.d.). Concerning the University of Amsterdam. (accessed October 19, 2020).
Citation inside the text (the University of Amsterdam, n.d.)

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