Is the Substack Experience That Wonderful?

Is the Substack Experience That Wonderful?
The beauty in lending your creative angle of thought on anything from anything with a growing audience could be a soothing feeling. Gone are the days when writers only buried their thoughts in their weird heads or the conventional memo pad. Those who use some divine soaps to bathe get the opportunity and a spot in the daily for the consumption of the masses. 

Call them analog celebrities or pacesetters, one thing remains clear: they beat their path to earning such recognition. Modern-day warriors have emerged, and they cheerfully thrive under the wings of digitalization. And just like it is in the music scene and social media platforms, the fact remains the same with writing... you can get heard from the comfort of your space. 

In this phenomenal article, I will be sharing with you how modern writers have utilized the use of new digital tools that fan their writing prowess and help them build a healthy fanbase. By the way, please bear in mind that this article has been put together by The Watchtower, a web design agency in Dubai and a leading name in the business of web design and development in Dubai. 

What is Substack? 

Substack is an online platform that helps independent authors and podcasters publish directly to their audiences and earn money from subscriptions.  

This act means that anyone may create a blog and/or email newsletter with the aid of Substack. One of the perks of the application is that it requires no technical expertise. You can maintain direct interaction with your audience and maintain complete control over your creative work without the interference of advertisements and algorithms. 

What can I do on Substack? 

Your writing prowess should not be available to only your relatives and notepad. You can choose a platform like Substack to enjoy visibility.  

Substack allows writers to explore their well of creativity in writing and simply provides you with a formal platform to be seen, heard, and perhaps earn if you choose to include subscriptions for your work.  

While most people write for passion and a few dollars just for the time wouldn’t be a bad idea, Substack permits writers to create an account with them for free, and with some following, the writer could choose to create newsletters to send to his/her audience. For those who choose to monetize their subscription, you can share your materials or content and have your audience pay a sum. 

What is the difference between Substack and a blog? 

These two pointers may have one common goal in mind, which is to share their writing views via a platform. Their views could vary from service information to informal, formal, and just about anything. 

However, you must realize that Substack is designed to create and send newsletters, as opposed to the blog, which is just for reading. 
The edge Substack has over blogs is that, aside from the audience reading your articles, you can also have them sign up for a monthly newsletter and get paid for the service. 

What makes Substack unique? 

I like the idea of a product/service that is not commonly used by all and yet still serves amazingly. It is usually a plus for me. Substack has me on this with its uniqueness. Some of the perks that make the use worthwhile are seen below. 

Substack is a unique platform, but very easy to use. Without the need to draw up codes or some exceptional form of intelligence, you can create content in no time, and include images, and even audio files when needed. 

The platform affords you earning rights. You can leverage your skill and that of your audience by putting a monthly subscription of USD5.00 [example] to your newsletter [terms and conditions apply] 

Substack provides you the liberty to write on anything whatsoever. This act gives writers the creative mind to explore and create amazing content without borders. 

In the event of any unforeseen litigation, Substack has a team called the Substack defenders who are skilled legal practitioners to guide along the process. 


Substack is an online platform created primarily to assist users in creating email newsletters. If you seek to be intentional with your customers and require an edge, this is one of the best platforms to use to build an email list with plenty of subscribers. 

While there are charges for those who seek to include a subscription for their audience, the platform charges 10% while Stripe passes transactional charges as well, the platform is easy for any writer to explore and enjoy visibility. 

No doubt, using Substack is a wonderful experience.
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