Did you know that we're already halfway through August?
However, if you're only halfway through today's Quordle, you still have two
words to decode before you can relax.
But if you stick with us, we'll get you through it. You can
skip to the bottom of the page for the complete solution, or you can read
through our full strategy guide and maybe the answers will magically appear in
your head. There is no pressure either way. We don't even know who you are, and
we're not here to pass judgment.
Quordle is a five-letter word guessing game similar to
Wordle, except that each guess applies letters to four different words. To
correctly guess all four words, you get nine guesses instead of six. It appears
to be four Wordle games running at the same time, and that is exactly what it
is. But it's not as frightening as it sounds.
Yes, but not in a diabolical way.
During the late 2021 and early 2022 Wordle boom, when
everyone was discovering the joys of free, in-browser, once-a-day word guessing
games, creator Freddie Meyer says he was inspired by one of the first big
Wordle variations, Dordle — the one where you essentially play two Wordles at
once. On January 30, he took things up a notch and released Quordle. Meyer's
creation was covered in The Guardian six days later, and it now has millions of
daily users, according to Meyer. Meyer now earns a small amount of money from
Patreon, where Quordle fans can donate to keep their favourite puzzle game
“Kwordle.” It should rhyme with "Wordle," but not
be pronounced exactly like "curdle."
Yes and no.
Your initial strategy should be the same as it was with
Wordle. In fact, there's no reason to change your favourite Wordle opening word
here. We recommend something with a lot of vowels and common letters like C, R,
and N. However, you do you.
If you play Quordle exactly like Wordle, you'll notice
things getting out of hand after your first guess.
Solving a Wordle puzzle is notorious for being a series of
single letter-change variations. If you've narrowed it down to
"-IGHT," you could guess "MIGHT" "NIGHT"
"LIGHT" and "SIGHT," and one of those will almost certainly
be the solution — though this is also a well-known way to lose in Wordle,
especially if you play on "hard mode." This type of single-letter
winnowing, on the other hand, is a deadly trap in Quordle, and it hints at an
important strategic difference between Wordle and Quordle: You can't afford to
waste guesses in Quordle unless you're eliminating as many letters as possible
at all times.
In Wordle, guessing a completely random word that you
already know isn't the solution just to eliminate three or four possible
letters you haven't tried yet is considered a desperate, latch-ditch move.
However, in Quordle, it is a standard part of the player's strategic toolkit.
In my experience, Quordle can be a slow game, taking longer
to complete than playing Wordle four times. However, a brute-force guessing
approach can expedite things. If you only want the solution and don't care
about having the fewest possible guesses, the following strategy also works
with Wordle:
Begin with a series of words that include all of the vowels
(including Y) as well as some other common letters. I've had success with the
following three words: "NOTES," "ACRID," and
"LUMPY." DougMansLand on YouTube suggests four words:
The majority of the alphabet has been removed, and you will
only be able to make one or two incorrect guesses if you use this strategy.
However, in most cases, you'll have all the information you need to correctly
guess the remaining words.
If you've exhausted your options and are still stumped, here
are some hints:
A semi-helpful hint about the puzzle for August 16th.
The following sentence contains synonyms for all four words
(in no particular order).
My teenage depression began to fade as I felt my hand grasp
the nectarine.
One of the words contains a letter that appears twice.
Yes. The final letter in the alphabet.
S, B, P, and A are the letters.
Are you certain you want to find out?
There is still time to change your mind.
OK you asked for it. The answers are: SEIZE, BEGAN, PEACH, ANGST
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