Behaviours have been termed as the manner or patterns in which a person or thing acts on its own accord, and its response when given to external factors. Over time these responses observed with and without the external factors become a pattern, and can easily be termed as the behaviour of the entity.
In Nigeria, for example, you could hear things like: I don’t like how he behaves when he has money. Where the individual is an entity of study, money is the external factor that stimulated a pattern, a behaviour that is not independent of itself but requires an entity.
Ok! Great, you get the idea of what behaviour is, let's take a further walk into Biometrics in today’s article. We would be guided on what behavioural biometrics is, examples of behavioural biometrics, what can be measured by behavioural biometric technology, and 4 examples of biometrics currently being used in modern times.
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What are the Behavioral Biometrics?
Since we have an understanding of Behaviors, I see the need to also equip us with what biometrics means just for clarity, and a good swing on today’s piece. Biometrics is simply the fusion of two words: metrics which means measurement, and Bio, from the word biology; this brings us to the measurement and analysis observed on the human body.
Behavioural Biometrics is the study and measurement of uniquely identifying distinct patterns in human activities.
Behavioural biometrics focuses on the behaviours of an entity like how they walk, speak, their body rhythm, voice texture, and a whole lot more.
What can be measured by Behavioral biometric technology?
Technology has done us major good, and a dowse of it has been seen in Behavioral biometric. Just as we have an understanding of what biometrics is, biometric will measure almost anything if observed, reviewed, and at the end programmed.
Behavioural biometric technology will have the pattern in which one sits, it could identify the clasp of one’s palms while trying to ride a bike, the pressure exerted on how we sit in our cars, how one talks, the decibels of one’s voice texture, everything that has a behavioural pattern could be tied to technology using biometric.
Which of the following are examples of Behavioral biometrics?
Behavioural biometrics is no stranger to modern technology, and they have found several inventions applicable in today’s world.
Some of the examples of Behavioral biometrics are:
1. Gait Analysis
Gait analysis reveals the particular manner one walks and the circumstances that may cause it since the word gait is associated with locomotion. Weight, age, and height might be some of the characteristics of this deduction
2. Voice Recognition
Voice recognition has found great use in a range of organizations. A good pick is smartphones/gadget voice bots like Alexa or Siri, other fields like online banking services are examples of where voice recognition has been deployed. The distinctive patterns in speech are usually identified, studied, and stored as a voiceprint for future interactions.
3. Gestures
In phone technology, for instance, we have seen smartphones rely on face recognition, smile, or gestures introduced to the phone as a form of authentication. This technology has also been seen in front of some doors, where once one approaches, it automatically opens.
Gestures are very well used in modern technology, likewise varying sectors.
4. Signature Dynamics
This is quite rare, and I believe several people may be unfamiliar with this behavioural biometric which extends technology by observing how a signature is written, where pressure is exerted the pace, and fluidity when writing. This goes beyond the conventionally finished signature authenticity.
What are 4 samples of biometrics currently being used?
1. Biometric technology has applications in a variety of sectors, including fingerprint scanning as a mode of second-level authentication.
2. Facial Recognition, is a type of facial recognition biometric.
3. Voice Recognition is a technology that recognizes people's voices
4. Iris Recognition does nothing else but recognize the iris.
Biometrics have been well accepted in today’s world, as they are in almost if not all fields of business today as a 2-step authentication phase for a procedure.
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