SEO is a set of best practices, techniques, and software tools used by marketers to make a website and its contents "findable" by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. At the same time, while it may not appear as obvious as technical abilities such as coding language or site design, search engine optimization strategies are essential for practically every online-related profession.
Technical SEO: This guarantees that search engine spiders can explore and index your site's content.
On-page: SEO is concerned with the content of each webpage.
Off-page: SEO focuses on marketing initiatives outside of the website that will improve search rankings.
We'll go over them in further depth later in the book, but remember that all search engine optimization strategy actions should be done with your audience in mind. The goal should be to generate and offer the finest content possible for consumers to consume. If you accomplish this, search engines will like and rank your material.
As a result, your article will receive more links, and Google will direct more visitors to it. This is an example of 'perpetual development' in action.
Any website's goal is to attract visitors and either impart information, offer a product or service, or gather contact information for future marketing possibilities. While some website visits will come from social media, paid advertisements, or marketing emails, a successful website also requires people who "stumble" upon it through their searches.
"Organic traffic" refers to people who arrive at a website via the results of a search engine query (or by "googling" it). Assume someone puts "What is SEO and how does it work?" into Google, finds this article in the results, and clicks on the link to read it. They are classified as an "organic" visitor.
Understanding the fundamental principles of search engine optimization is one thing, but how does it all work?
SEO is primarily concerned with two strategies:
1. Site architecture optimization (the actual coding and design of a website)
2. Site content optimization (the wording of sales pages, blog articles, product descriptions, and so on)
To see your search traffic trend higher as quickly as possible, you'll need to apply best practices to both.
Optimization of site architecture can include:
1. Improving a site's overall user experience (making your material easier to access and engage with) can attract return visitors and link building other sites, both of which will enhance search engine ranking.
2. Ensure that internal links in your content connect back to other relevant and valuable information; this encourages readers to spend more time on your site, which correlates with a higher ranking.
3. A sitemap, which is a collection of categories and links at the bottom of your pages, will make your site more indexable (or "findable") by search engines and more accessible for users (an SEO win-win).
4. Google Rewards sites are meant to be as easy to use on a mobile device as they are on a desktop computer.
If you do not optimize your website for search engines, you risk losing prospective consumers to rivals whose websites rank higher in search engine results than yours. Consider how many times you use Google each day to find out which local bakeries provide gluten-free alternatives or where you can get a good deal on new sandals.
You want to appear when someone searches for information about the products and services you provide. And, ideally, you want to be seen. According to research, 60% of traffic from Google searches goes to websites that appear in the top three search results.
Keywords are words or phrases that describe the topic of your work. Consider them bridges. On one side, you can see all of the sites that have been indexed by search engines. On the other hand, searchers are seeking solutions to their inquiries.
Keywords serve as a link between the two. It's critical to understand why people are looking, so let's take a deeper look.
1. 25% of SEO is on-page, while 75% is off-page.
2. The most significant aspect of SEO is the page's content, while the page title is the second most important on-page feature.
3. SEO benefits from appealing meta descriptions that are less than 155 characters long.
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