What's the purpose of Quora?

What's the purpose of Quora?
If you’re an active online surfer who seeks information often, then you would have bumped into Quora at some point. To start with, Quora is one of those intriguing websites that serves as both a search engine and a social network for creative minds, however, its objective is to both provide answers and allow you to answer questions for others in the fields. 

While you may have several thoughts as regards Quora, today’s article will address the purpose of Quora, the genuineness of the website, how to get updates on interesting feeds, and some other useful information. 

However, before we begin, there is The Watchtower, a top and award-winning SEO business, mobile app development, and web design studio in Dubai that is devoted to providing its readers with fantastic material every day.

What is Quora? 
Quora is a webpage that connects you to information on anything you seek to know. If Quora has a goal, I bet it is to make it as simple as possible to create new content and share materials from the web seamlessly. 

It's important to note that Quora is only as trustworthy as the person answering your question, and your question is only as valuable as the information you provide. 

Why do people consider Quora? 
  1. Unlike Google or Wikipedia, Quora allows you to ask questions based on your circumstance. The solution will be specific to you and not generic.
  2. It is possible to seek advice from numerous people on Quora and receive various responses to the same issue. 
  3. Quora has a unique feature that allows you to follow questions of interest and be alerted when a new answer is published. There is also an option of following a question privately if you do not wish to follow it in the open. 
  4. The inclusion of your information is optional. 
  5. If you check on Quora often, your writing prowess would certainly increase. 
  6. You can keep a closer tab/follow the person who responded to your inquiry/complaint where necessary. 
  7. Quora is not created to load/post selfies and videos, unlike other social media handles, hence no distractions. 
Is Quora a safe site? 
Why would anyone doubt if Quora is safe though, I mean it's not like you’re divulging personal details or doing a purchase, you may ask? Well, considering the flux of interaction and no borders to information/referrals, yes, one could get carried away... but little worry, Quora is a safe site. 
Truth is, Quora is much like any other social network in terms of security. The Quora website is extremely secure against attacks and hackers. With the help of moderators who continually monitor the website's content for sensitive and abusive stuff that needs to be removed, Quora is a secured platform, however, it is pertinent you don’t let down your guard. Ensure due diligence where necessary. 

How do I get rid of Quora? 
After the intrusion experienced some years back by hackers on the webpage, some active users on Quora found every reason to panic, saying they felt susceptible to possible threats. 

Since data security is quite sensitive, users sought avenues to get rid of Quora. There are two ways to get rid of Quora, they are: 

1. Account deletion
Simply visit your account privacy settings and select Delete Account. It will ask you for your password to confirm the deletion. Once the deletion is confirmed, the account is deactivated immediately, and the deletion process begins. However, there is a 14 days window for review, which means you could change your mind by initiating a post, this action reactivates your account, and the deletion request will be canceled. 
With the choice of deleting the account, you would not be able to create another account again, and you will lose your comments, answers, votes, endorsements, and likes. 

2. Account deactivation
On the other hand, this feature still carries enough weight as the account deletion, however, you can still reactivate the account. It is better considered than the actual account deletion. 

Below is how to go about it: 

  1. At the bottom of the 'Settings' section on the Privacy page, select 'Deactivate Account.' 
  2. You will no longer get alerts from Quora, but any material you've submitted will remain on the site. 
  3. You may reactivate your account at any time by login back into Quora.com or our app with your email address and password. 

What is Quora and why am I getting emails? 
Considering the first question being “What is Quora”, it appears you do not know what Quora is, and in most cases, it appears someone must have misspelled his/her email address into yours, hence the notifications being received.  

To deactivate this feature, simply send an email to privacy@quora.com asking for your data to be deleted, and it will be done accordingly. 

This platform has been provided by the number one Digital Marketing and SEO expert, The Watchtower - Web Design Agency Dubai, a solution provider with many laurels to its credit.

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