Why Studying in Canada Just Got More Interesting

Why Studying in Canada Just Got More Interesting
If you reside in Nigeria or keep close ears to the news, you will agree with me that there is a revival beyond the web of spiritual redemption and clarity, but of a moniker called “Japa”. While Japa is formed from two Yoruba syllables [Ja-pa], it simply is an emphasis on an escape. In lighter terms, this means the emigration from Nigeria to the diaspora. 

The need to leave the shores of Nigeria has been an anthem for many, and if there is a route people have considered in recent years, it is either the choice to study abroad, or in some other instances, the choice of a job offer.  

Leaving Nigeria or any other country for Canada can be very exciting, particularly if you are from a third-world country like mine. The reality of emigration is more essential than the choice of vacation, and even when you get admission, you will aim to work alongside school. 

In this mind-opening post, I will be sharing the latest information as regards studying in Canada and working in Canada. I bet this is the first place you're seeing this. 

What is the latest news for people studying in Canada? 

Canada is currently doing more than what people have been accustomed to seeing before in the areas of education and work. In recent news received, the government of Canada announced that students studying in Canada can now work for as much as they like, compared to the previously stated 20 hours per week. 

This means that if your goal is to get permanent residency or Canadian citizenship, you can use this opportunity to earn more money and gain that Canadian job experience to make your resume more appealing 

What is the immigration goal of Canada for 2022? 

If your goal is to secure permanent residency or foreign citizenship, it is best to take advantage of this news.  

In the past year, Canada reached its target of 400,000 permanent residents, and this year, 2022, they are gradually hitting the mark of 430,000. 
Depending on which of your sensory neurons sees this, you can either be a reader or be part of this new development. 

What are the benefits of studying in Canada? 

1. Canada is peaceful and safe. 
I bet you have never heard of any bad news in Canada. This is because this second-largest country in the world was ranked as one of the safest and the 10th most peaceful countries in the world. This report was made according to the Global Peace Index 2021. 

2. Affordable lifestyle. 
While the fear of many has ranged from the cost of tuition, rent, and a basic standard of living, it is safe to know that the benefits of studying in Canada for international students are affordable compared to other countries. 

3. Increased work hours. 
Considering that most students would like the idea of studying abroad but are unable to afford tuition or a standard of living, the Canadian government, as mentioned earlier, has removed the 20-hour work week caveat and has stated that students can now work as long as they like. 

This would provide students with ample time to study, work, and save some extra bucks for themselves. 

4. Enjoy a quality life. 
One of the attractive features for international students considering studying in Canada remains the quality of life. It's known that four of the top 100 best student cities in the world are in Canada. This country's rating is according to QS World University Rankings.
It's a fantastic place to work and live for Canadians and international students. It is little wonder it is ranked first in the world. 

5. Recognized educational system. 
Away from desperation, Canada is an ideal place to consider taking a degree or getting an MBA. You are assured of a healthy study ambiance, access to research and educational materials for your thesis, and a robust curriculum that makes learning fun. 

Bagging a degree in Canada simply signifies trust and commitment, as their educational system remains transparent and void of malpractice. 


Studying in Canada may not be as free as most people think. However, the choice of studying would commence the beginning of greater impartation. Landing an opportunity to study in Canada must be celebrated as you are rest assured of quality time in academics, likewise enjoying the rich culture and ambiance. 
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